Yloise Urleaux

Sharlayan Mammeteer / Blue Mage


Name(s): Yloise Urleaux
Age: 19 Summers
Race: Elezen (Sharlayan)
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Personality: Stern, academic, competitive, passionate, and a complete dork.
Job: Blue Mage / Mammeteer


Born the only child of a gifted set of parents Yloise at an early age had quite the legacy to look up to. Her father a forum member and her mother an expert mammeteer had quite high expectations of her. Her father taking the forefront in giving the young girl a rigorous study course even in her early years Yloise felt the pressure placed upon almost immediately. Growing up in Sharlayan she were not held fondly by her peers given her blunt and ambitious manners often placing herself well above others in her own mind before even given the chance to prove it. She were quite vocal about her own superiority and in doing so often set her own self up for failure when she could not live up to her own standards. After the tragic death of her mother Yloise had become more reserved and less vocal about her own capabilities. Instead becoming that of a shut in working tirelessly away in labs and study halls as she resumed her own mothers work to achieve her dream of becoming an archon like her.From there her relationship with her father began to splinter more and more until Yloise left Sharlayan to study abroad against her fathers wishes who promptly disowned her. After spending time away Yloise joined The Lucky Lotus, a rag tag airship crew doing mercenary work. There she used this time to perform more experiments and after a string of more failures as well as an ever growing 'bitter' rivalry.Yloise now has reunited with her father and placed under his watchful eye once more to protect his own reputation for fears of his daughters tendency to get herself in trouble. She currently works for Valtin Institute of Research and Dissemination.


Commissions: Looking for security? Companionship? Yloise has 26 models of Mammets she regularly tests and upgrades that she is willing to lease to anyone for a premium.Test Subject: Yloise is always looking for willing victims volunteers to test her latest experiments in mammet designs. Either through battle or field tests Yloise is almost always seeking adventurers to help collect data for her studies.Sharlayan: If you are from Sharlayan or travel there frequently perhaps you've heard of her or her parents work. Maybe you shared a class with her or worked alongside her with a project.